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I don't know much...but I do know the NZ process for becoming registered to teach, I know my NZ schools well and I know very well the types of teachers that get offered jobs in NZ schools and how to make that happen.

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Clara C.

Oct 16, 2023, 11:10 PM

Zaf kept in touch with me through the whole selection process, providing me helpful information and advice.
How do I know Zaf:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Kate P.

Sep 28, 2023, 11:07 PM

I met Zaf through applying for a role with him. He was very responsive with communication, and worked hard on my behalf to quickly secure an interview. He offered interview coaching skills and great communication from start to finish. I'd definitely recommend Zaf, and his organisation Frog Recruitment, as a high quality, engaging and knowledgeable consultant who wants the best for his clients.
How do I know Zaf:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Clara C.

Oct 16, 2023, 11:10 PM

Zaf kept in touch with me through the whole selection process, providing me helpful information and advice.
How do I know Zaf:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Kate P.

Sep 28, 2023, 11:07 PM

I met Zaf through applying for a role with him. He was very responsive with communication, and worked hard on my behalf to quickly secure an interview. He offered interview coaching skills and great communication from start to finish. I'd definitely recommend Zaf, and his organisation Frog Recruitment, as a high quality, engaging and knowledgeable consultant who wants the best for his clients.
How do I know Zaf:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level
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