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Simone's ratings based on user feedback




Hiring Effectiveness


Market Knowledge


Service Level


Sono un professionista nel campo delle risorse umane. Attualmente ricopro la posizione di HR Manager, dopo esperienze nel settore Human Resources in CRIF, KPMG e in GI GROUP.
Svolgo attività di docenza in Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano ed alcune Business School, in particolare al Sole 24 Ore.
Nutro un interesse personale, oltre ai temi di selezione, formazione, gestione e leadership "visionaria" (Goleman), per lo più legati al mio ambito professionale, per gli sport motoristici, che seguo con costanza sui circuiti e unendo le mie due passioni, all'interno dei box per osservare e analizzare l'operato delle squadre. Il sistema motorsport considerato da molti come un mondo privilegiato e di eccellenza ha molte analogie con la tipicità del mondo degli appartenenti alle categorie “speciali”.
Per la mia esperienza formativa ha avuto particolare interesse la mia collaborazione con i consultori familiari, nei quali il miglioramento delle qualità delle relazioni è un aspetto fondante.
Negli ultimi anni il mio sviluppo professionale si è maggiormente indirizzato verso i temi di "diversity & inclusion". Mi piace pensare che la motivazione sia "il motore centrale di ogni persona attorno a cui tutto si deve costruire". I risultati, comunque e in ogni caso, sono sempre accompagnati da "impegno" e amore per la propria professione.

Tools and software I recruit for
Awards and Achievements
Golden Bip 2009 - Best Employer Branding Program
Universum Award 2016 – Position 1 Top in Industry Auditing and Accounting
Universum Award 2017 – Position 1 Top in Industry Auditing and Accounting

Recruitment Specializations

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Simone has 23 Reviews. Write your review!

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Antonio S.

Jul 5, 2022, 4:00 PM

Simone helped me to understand if I could fit into the role the company was searching. He followed my through all the phases and he was available for all additional question and details needed.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Anna S.

Jul 4, 2022, 9:58 PM

I met Simone on LinkedIn, where he’d contacted me for a position that seemed perfect for me. And he supported me during all the selection process and also after the employment. That’s why I am very pleased to him. He is very professional recruiter, empathetic and attentive to details.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Fabrizio B.

Nov 4, 2021, 4:48 PM

I applied to job posted on LinkedIn and got interviewed by Simone who followed me all along the hiring & negotiation process with a strong professionism and empathetic approach taking seriously in consideration my needs.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Mario L.

Nov 4, 2021, 1:58 PM

Simone followed me in all the steps and he was very clear and precise.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Emilio T.

Apr 22, 2021, 12:40 PM

Simone directly contacted me for an internal job posting on a new innovative product at Crif. He followed me during the whole recruiting process showing professionalism, empathy and support. I can say that thanks to his communication skills I had a very smooth, good and structured onboarding experience. Simone still is a point of reference after two years I'm in the company.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Ruggero S.

Dec 15, 2020, 9:12 AM

Simone assisted me during the recruitment process at the company where I currently work for. He is a very talented professional and personally I was very satisfied as he managed to match my skills with a position where these are strongly needed. He has been very communicative and supportive during the whole selection and negotiation process as he clearly laid out the expectations of the company for the position to fill.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Alex G.

Nov 30, 2020, 5:06 PM

I would define Simone as an outsider (thinking and selecting outside the box). His recruiting skills such proactiveness and equally noble approach style help me increase the confidence during the selection process. He was presented as well during each step of selection which I highly appreciated.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

L. N.

Nov 23, 2020, 5:19 PM

Simone is a great recruiter! He is a perfect link between the company and the candidate, attracting the candidates for applying thanks to his communication skills. Able to interact, his listening skills and attention to details ensure a good experience during the recruitment process, establishing trust and building a strong relationship with candidates.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Mauro N.

Nov 23, 2020, 11:19 AM

Simone mi ha seguito nell'iter di selezione per un ruolo all'interno dell'area consulting della mia attuale azienda. Fin dal principio Simone è stato molto chiaro nello spiegarmi il ruolo e le caratteristiche che doveva avere. E' stato molto presente anche nei colloqui con i manager di riferimento mostrando sempre competenza e professionalità. Nel rilasciarmi i feedback durante i vari step è stato sempre esaustivo, sottolineando quali potevano essere punti di miglioramento importanti per la mia crescita professionale.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Fausto E.

Nov 21, 2020, 6:25 AM

Simone è molto disponibile, proattivo e collaborativo. Mi ha supportato nella selezione di alcune risorse, garantendo un approccio strutturato e professionale in tutte le fasi del processo.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant assisted me with filling a vacancy
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Francesco P.

Nov 18, 2020, 3:51 PM

Ho avuto modo di conoscere Simone nel corso della selezione per un ruolo legal. Da subito Simone ha mostrato grande attenzione e competenza. Ha seguito passo per passo la fase di selezione e poi successivamente il mio inserimento. Ha mostrato lo stesso interesse ed una grande disponibilità anche successivamente nel corso del rapporto di lavoro. Ottimo professionista con spiccate doti umane. Non posso che ringraziarlo per quanto dimostrato.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Andrea A.

Nov 17, 2020, 12:39 PM

I had the pleasure to be recruited in my last company by Simone. He's very focused in details, and give me all the info necessary. I really appreciated him.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Marco S.

Nov 16, 2020, 2:15 PM

I was contacted on Linkedin by Simone for a job interview in the company where I currently work. He immediately showed me great professionalism and support in all the recruiting phases. The thing that impressed me the most is that Simone has been a point of reference for me even after being hired.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Maurizio A.

Nov 13, 2020, 4:33 PM

In qualità di recruiter Simone mostra spiccate qualità professionali e una particolare attenzione al cliente interno. Molto competente anche nei progetti di Assessment
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Francesco D.

Nov 12, 2020, 6:01 PM

I had the opportunity to meet Simone through professional connections in common and I knew I was entrusting myself to a competent and prepared person when Simone started to follow my application. In addition to completely following my hiring path and transmitting promptly and clearly all information, he proved to be an expert in the business / market in which professional profiles like mine operate. This last aspect helped a lot the discussion between me and my future manager. I really appreciated his professionalism even in the post-recruitment phases, he was attentive to my inclusion process and always available for discussions and questions.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Marco M.

Nov 11, 2020, 4:27 PM

I was selected for my current role by Simone after applying a job posting on linkedin. Simone followed the selection process from start to finish together with the Top Management of the company who interviewed me. Simone is a very attentive and capable person, he knows the market very well and transmits in a clear and effective way the information relating to the role to be filled, even those information that may seem minimal without leaving out any detail. After some time it is a pleasure for me to write a review about him because he proves to be a professional in his role and to best represent the company he works for.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Elisa C.

Nov 10, 2020, 10:44 PM

I was contacted via Linkedin by Simone for an interview related a position in a new innovative business unit of the company. Simone was precise and he has always communicate with clearness about the job offering and the company. Now I am working for this company for 2 years and I really love this job, so thank you for having contacted me and for your time spent with me!
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Andrea B.

Nov 9, 2020, 11:12 AM

I was contacted via Linkedin by Simone for a vacancy in our current company. The selection process was very well handled and all the steps were clear and managed in a proper and fairly way. Simone always gave me prompt feedbacks about progresses and about all the info I requested for.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Ernesto C.

Nov 9, 2020, 8:42 AM

Ho conosciuto Simone la prima volta durante una lezione che ha tenuto al Master che ho conseguito al Sole 24 Ore in Diritto e Impresa, quell'anno lavorava in Kpmg ed in quella sede mi aveva fatto una ottima impressione per la sua passione, la sua capacità di comunicare e trasmettere la propria esperienza agli altri. Successivamente dopo tanti anni mi ha selezionato per CRIF e durante il colloquio ho confermato la mia idea su Simone, persona preparata, persona empatica che riesce a capire subito la persona che ha di fronte e se pronta per il ruolo oggetto della selezione. Simone è una persona che riesce a capire i punti di forza di una persona ed il potenziale delle persona e penso abbiamo una ottima capacità manageriale, risorsa preziosa per l'Azienda.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Elisabetta D.

Nov 4, 2020, 12:51 PM

Sono stata selezionata per il mio ruolo attuale da Simone! Mi ha contattato in modo molto gentile, discreto e, allo stesso tempo, efficace per sondare le mie capacità e interesse. Simone ha seguito il processo di selezione dall'inizio alla fine insieme al Top Management dell'azienda che mi ha intervistato. Ha prestato attenzione alle mie richieste e alla spiegazione del ruolo lavorativo e dei dettagli del contratto. Mi ha accolto in Azienda organizzando le sessioni di on-boarding con le altre Business Unit e mi ha spiegato i Corporate Benefits previsti nel mio inquadramento. I have been recruited in my actual role by Simone! He contacted me in a very polite and, at the same time, effective way. He followed the process from start to end together with Company Top Management who interviewed me. He paied attention to my requests and to the explanation of the job role and contract details. He welcomed me in the Company organizing the on-boarding sessions with the other BU and explained me all the Corporate Benefits.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Domenico D.

Nov 4, 2020, 10:37 AM

Ho conosciuto Simone circa 1 anno fa in occasione di una mia candidatura ad una posizione presso l'azienda per cui oggi lavoro. Simone ha rappresentato fedelmente quelli che erano gli aspetti chiave nel ruolo che l'azienda stava cercando ed ha pienamente compreso il mio interesse al cambiamento e ad una nuova sfida professionale. In estrema sintesi, Simone ha reso il processo di selezione altamente fluido, a beneficio sia dell'azienda che del sottoscritto.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Vincenzo P.

Nov 2, 2020, 4:16 PM

I had the pleasure to be recruited in my last company by Simone, he followed the process from start to end. I admired his punctuality, attention to details and professional behavior. He gave me a vast and extensive company overview and replied promptly to all my queries in relation to company HR policies and employees' benefits.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Rita L.

Oct 31, 2020, 7:04 PM

Simone ha selezionato il mio profilo più di due anni fa per quello che è il mio attuale lavoro. È un professionista estremamente serio e capace e, soprattutto, riesce a vedere oltre ciò che è scritto sulla carta. È attento alle persone, ha a cuore le loro aspirazioni ed il suo approccio è innovativo, lungimirante e al contempo permeato di onestà.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Antonio S.

Jul 5, 2022, 4:00 PM

Simone helped me to understand if I could fit into the role the company was searching. He followed my through all the phases and he was available for all additional question and details needed.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Anna S.

Jul 4, 2022, 9:58 PM

I met Simone on LinkedIn, where he’d contacted me for a position that seemed perfect for me. And he supported me during all the selection process and also after the employment. That’s why I am very pleased to him. He is very professional recruiter, empathetic and attentive to details.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Fabrizio B.

Nov 4, 2021, 4:48 PM

I applied to job posted on LinkedIn and got interviewed by Simone who followed me all along the hiring & negotiation process with a strong professionism and empathetic approach taking seriously in consideration my needs.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Mario L.

Nov 4, 2021, 1:58 PM

Simone followed me in all the steps and he was very clear and precise.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Ruggero S.

Dec 15, 2020, 9:12 AM

Simone assisted me during the recruitment process at the company where I currently work for. He is a very talented professional and personally I was very satisfied as he managed to match my skills with a position where these are strongly needed. He has been very communicative and supportive during the whole selection and negotiation process as he clearly laid out the expectations of the company for the position to fill.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Francesco P.

Nov 18, 2020, 3:51 PM

Ho avuto modo di conoscere Simone nel corso della selezione per un ruolo legal. Da subito Simone ha mostrato grande attenzione e competenza. Ha seguito passo per passo la fase di selezione e poi successivamente il mio inserimento. Ha mostrato lo stesso interesse ed una grande disponibilità anche successivamente nel corso del rapporto di lavoro. Ottimo professionista con spiccate doti umane. Non posso che ringraziarlo per quanto dimostrato.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Marco S.

Nov 16, 2020, 2:15 PM

I was contacted on Linkedin by Simone for a job interview in the company where I currently work. He immediately showed me great professionalism and support in all the recruiting phases. The thing that impressed me the most is that Simone has been a point of reference for me even after being hired.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Andrea B.

Nov 9, 2020, 11:12 AM

I was contacted via Linkedin by Simone for a vacancy in our current company. The selection process was very well handled and all the steps were clear and managed in a proper and fairly way. Simone always gave me prompt feedbacks about progresses and about all the info I requested for.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Ernesto C.

Nov 9, 2020, 8:42 AM

Ho conosciuto Simone la prima volta durante una lezione che ha tenuto al Master che ho conseguito al Sole 24 Ore in Diritto e Impresa, quell'anno lavorava in Kpmg ed in quella sede mi aveva fatto una ottima impressione per la sua passione, la sua capacità di comunicare e trasmettere la propria esperienza agli altri. Successivamente dopo tanti anni mi ha selezionato per CRIF e durante il colloquio ho confermato la mia idea su Simone, persona preparata, persona empatica che riesce a capire subito la persona che ha di fronte e se pronta per il ruolo oggetto della selezione. Simone è una persona che riesce a capire i punti di forza di una persona ed il potenziale delle persona e penso abbiamo una ottima capacità manageriale, risorsa preziosa per l'Azienda.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Elisabetta D.

Nov 4, 2020, 12:51 PM

Sono stata selezionata per il mio ruolo attuale da Simone! Mi ha contattato in modo molto gentile, discreto e, allo stesso tempo, efficace per sondare le mie capacità e interesse. Simone ha seguito il processo di selezione dall'inizio alla fine insieme al Top Management dell'azienda che mi ha intervistato. Ha prestato attenzione alle mie richieste e alla spiegazione del ruolo lavorativo e dei dettagli del contratto. Mi ha accolto in Azienda organizzando le sessioni di on-boarding con le altre Business Unit e mi ha spiegato i Corporate Benefits previsti nel mio inquadramento. I have been recruited in my actual role by Simone! He contacted me in a very polite and, at the same time, effective way. He followed the process from start to end together with Company Top Management who interviewed me. He paied attention to my requests and to the explanation of the job role and contract details. He welcomed me in the Company organizing the on-boarding sessions with the other BU and explained me all the Corporate Benefits.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Domenico D.

Nov 4, 2020, 10:37 AM

Ho conosciuto Simone circa 1 anno fa in occasione di una mia candidatura ad una posizione presso l'azienda per cui oggi lavoro. Simone ha rappresentato fedelmente quelli che erano gli aspetti chiave nel ruolo che l'azienda stava cercando ed ha pienamente compreso il mio interesse al cambiamento e ad una nuova sfida professionale. In estrema sintesi, Simone ha reso il processo di selezione altamente fluido, a beneficio sia dell'azienda che del sottoscritto.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Rita L.

Oct 31, 2020, 7:04 PM

Simone ha selezionato il mio profilo più di due anni fa per quello che è il mio attuale lavoro. È un professionista estremamente serio e capace e, soprattutto, riesce a vedere oltre ciò che è scritto sulla carta. È attento alle persone, ha a cuore le loro aspirazioni ed il suo approccio è innovativo, lungimirante e al contempo permeato di onestà.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Emilio T.

Apr 22, 2021, 12:40 PM

Simone directly contacted me for an internal job posting on a new innovative product at Crif. He followed me during the whole recruiting process showing professionalism, empathy and support. I can say that thanks to his communication skills I had a very smooth, good and structured onboarding experience. Simone still is a point of reference after two years I'm in the company.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Alex G.

Nov 30, 2020, 5:06 PM

I would define Simone as an outsider (thinking and selecting outside the box). His recruiting skills such proactiveness and equally noble approach style help me increase the confidence during the selection process. He was presented as well during each step of selection which I highly appreciated.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

L. N.

Nov 23, 2020, 5:19 PM

Simone is a great recruiter! He is a perfect link between the company and the candidate, attracting the candidates for applying thanks to his communication skills. Able to interact, his listening skills and attention to details ensure a good experience during the recruitment process, establishing trust and building a strong relationship with candidates.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Mauro N.

Nov 23, 2020, 11:19 AM

Simone mi ha seguito nell'iter di selezione per un ruolo all'interno dell'area consulting della mia attuale azienda. Fin dal principio Simone è stato molto chiaro nello spiegarmi il ruolo e le caratteristiche che doveva avere. E' stato molto presente anche nei colloqui con i manager di riferimento mostrando sempre competenza e professionalità. Nel rilasciarmi i feedback durante i vari step è stato sempre esaustivo, sottolineando quali potevano essere punti di miglioramento importanti per la mia crescita professionale.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Fausto E.

Nov 21, 2020, 6:25 AM

Simone è molto disponibile, proattivo e collaborativo. Mi ha supportato nella selezione di alcune risorse, garantendo un approccio strutturato e professionale in tutte le fasi del processo.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant assisted me with filling a vacancy
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Andrea A.

Nov 17, 2020, 12:39 PM

I had the pleasure to be recruited in my last company by Simone. He's very focused in details, and give me all the info necessary. I really appreciated him.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Maurizio A.

Nov 13, 2020, 4:33 PM

In qualità di recruiter Simone mostra spiccate qualità professionali e una particolare attenzione al cliente interno. Molto competente anche nei progetti di Assessment
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Francesco D.

Nov 12, 2020, 6:01 PM

I had the opportunity to meet Simone through professional connections in common and I knew I was entrusting myself to a competent and prepared person when Simone started to follow my application. In addition to completely following my hiring path and transmitting promptly and clearly all information, he proved to be an expert in the business / market in which professional profiles like mine operate. This last aspect helped a lot the discussion between me and my future manager. I really appreciated his professionalism even in the post-recruitment phases, he was attentive to my inclusion process and always available for discussions and questions.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Marco M.

Nov 11, 2020, 4:27 PM

I was selected for my current role by Simone after applying a job posting on linkedin. Simone followed the selection process from start to finish together with the Top Management of the company who interviewed me. Simone is a very attentive and capable person, he knows the market very well and transmits in a clear and effective way the information relating to the role to be filled, even those information that may seem minimal without leaving out any detail. After some time it is a pleasure for me to write a review about him because he proves to be a professional in his role and to best represent the company he works for.
How do I know Simone:  I applied for a role with this consultant
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Elisa C.

Nov 10, 2020, 10:44 PM

I was contacted via Linkedin by Simone for an interview related a position in a new innovative business unit of the company. Simone was precise and he has always communicate with clearness about the job offering and the company. Now I am working for this company for 2 years and I really love this job, so thank you for having contacted me and for your time spent with me!
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level

Vincenzo P.

Nov 2, 2020, 4:16 PM

I had the pleasure to be recruited in my last company by Simone, he followed the process from start to end. I admired his punctuality, attention to details and professional behavior. He gave me a vast and extensive company overview and replied promptly to all my queries in relation to company HR policies and employees' benefits.
How do I know Simone:  This consultant secured me an interview with a company
Hiring Effectiveness
Market Knowledge
Service Level
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