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“between stimulus and response there is space: in that space lies ours power to choose, chance to grow and freedom”
I'm the HR Division Manager of Praxi’s branch in Milan, coordinating a team of 8 Researchers, Senior Consultants and Senior Assistants.
I'm a registered Labour Psychologist and I've been working for Praxi since the early step of his career (2006). I manage both Executives Searchs, with a focus on Manufacturing, Energy & Utilities and Constructions markets, and Organizational Development projects, as Assessment Centers, Managerial Audits, Job Evaluation and design of Performance Management Systems.
I like to reread social psychology fundamentals (by Kaneman, Tversky, Bandura, Simon), when I'm not playing UNO with my two kids or watching Friends with my wife.
Read my favourite placement story!
Together with my teammate, an expert senior researcher, when we red on the final line of a candidate’s CV "Circus School Instructor: fire-eater, flying trapeze ", we just decided to ride our instict and to convocate him: he was chosen and then thanked us with a box of candies!.
Guess his role? Quality Director, C-Level, Lean and 6Sigma Expert, from Automotive or White Goods operations … so apparently the tipical “Mr. Super-Engineer”.
He is now a top performer in our Client's structure, thanks to his technical competence and expertise, but the most for his coaching ability in supporting People at any level.
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Daniele B.
Nov 26, 2020, 3:46 PM
Ferdinando F.
Nov 20, 2020, 1:42 PM
Ferdinando F.
Nov 20, 2020, 1:42 PM
Daniele B.
Nov 26, 2020, 3:46 PM
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