Improve the Candidate Experience in 4 Simple Steps

By Alessio Perri

The success of a company is achieved by hiring professional, smart and truly competent people. The secret to achieving this goal is to be able to attract new talent by building a good Employer Branding strategy that pushes the talent to choose that particular company over another.

It is now clear that salary, benefits and working hours are no longer sufficient variables. Candidates will choose that company as they consider it the most prestigious, they are reflected in its mission and in the values it promotes.

The work of recruiters in this way becomes more and more fundamental, a process that can no longer be limited to the recruitment phase but must be integrated into a more complex process.


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The entire candidate experience process, which is the experience that the candidate lives during the job search phase, is not limited only to the selection interview but embraces several fundamental moments that define the entire value of the company and of the possibility that this is perceived as “attractive” by the candidate.

1) ATTRACT TALENTS: define a clear and complete job position, telling the values of your company, highlighting what are the strengths of your company compared to competitors.

One of the recent recruitment trends gaining momentum is for companies to use hackathons for hiring quality talent. A hackathon is a competitive and competitive event in which teams of designers, developers and subject matter experts create solutions for a specific problem within a defined time frame. 

2) PROMOTE YOUR SEARCH: The organic traffic on a social page or on a website may not be enough to find the candidate for that specific position, in these cases paid campaigns to come in handy. After all, social media have been among the main sources of recruiting for some years.

Your corporate website and LinkedIn page are great places to build your employer branding. Poor user experience on the career section of your website can negatively impact your brand.

3) KEEP IN TOUCH: Offer and ask for feedback at the end of the selection. Explain to the candidate why he was not selected and what to improve for the future.

Remember, everything you do will have an impact on the company's image. Sending hundreds of emails can be expensive. Using an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) could be the right solution to automate this.

4) AUTOCRITICISM: Also ask what can be improved in your selection process. It is not always true that the problem of a negative interview lies with the excluded candidate.

Build a survey for candidates to assess what went well during the interview and what could be improved.