How Can Recruiters Turn Reviews Into Profit? Hint: It's Not as Hard as You Think!

By Talentwolf

Did you know 68% of consumers form an opinion by reading between one to six reviews? All it takes is one review to convince a business to hire you. So how do you collect reviews from your happy customers? Don’t worry; you can find out! 

With this guide, you can learn how to turn customer reviews into profit. From asking customers to responding professionally, customer reviews are often overlooked. Well, no more, it’s time to make those reviews stand out.  

Now, are you ready to make money? Here’s how to increase your recruiter salary: 

How Reviews Can Benefit Your Business 

Reviews provide much more than customer feedback. They allow businesses to assess your behavior and determine how responsible you are as a recruiter. 

Since reviews are written by a third party, they increase trust and establish that you’re an expert in your field. In fact, 84% of people trust online reviews almost as much as a personal recommendation. That’s why it’s essential to have reviews that display the best qualities of your work and showcase your talented skills. 

At the end of the day, customer reviews give insight into who you are as an employee. They display your communication methods and your professional attitude. 

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Reviews can even increase your revenue by establishing your value as a recruiter. If you’re an expert in your field that offers a range of services, you’ll be paid significantly more than someone who’s just starting out. 

Thus, reviews establish a baseline as to what the company can expect from you. Businesses look to reviews to see if you are educated, responsible, and ultimately right for the position. 

How to Turn Online Reviews Into a Strong Marketing Tool 

Reviews are helpful since they build a positive online presence. In fact, they are one of your strongest marketing tools. To market online reviews, keep these tips in mind; if you do, you’ll increase your revenue in no time!

Gather Reviews From Happy Customers

Since you need to gather many positive reviews, the best way is to encourage your customers to leave a review on your site. For example, after you’ve completed a job, you can ask your customers to rate your business. You can include a star rating or ask them a couple of questions about your communication style, delivery time, or how likely they would recommend you.  

Don’t promise them any incentives; it will look like your trying to buy reviews instead of earning them. Also, don’t try to force customers to leave a review rather let it happen naturally. That way, their statements reflect what they actually think and feel instead of what you want them to say. 

Just remember to keep your reviews current. 85% of consumers believe reviews older than three months are irrelevant. 

To keep your reviews up to date, send a follow-up email to encourage them to leave a review. You can also send a text after you’ve completed a job. That way, their thoughts of your skills are fresh in their mind, and they can write a detailed review quickly and easily. 

Respond Professionally to Negative Comments 

Not all reviews will be positive; there might be comments that place you in a negative light. However, it’s how you react that displays more about you than the original comment. 

Always respond professionally to negative comments; don’t try to ignore the review or place the blame on the customer. Instead, look at their review as a way to improve. 

You can respond by trying to fix the problem. For example, ask the customer if you could do anything additional to make their experience better. 

Also, make sure to genuinely apologize and thank them for their review. They put time and effort into rating your business; it’s essential that you thank them even if the review might have not been what you wanted. 

You might also want to add that you’ll work to improve your mistake in future projects. It’ll show customers that you’re truly listening to customer feedback and want to make your business the best it can be. 

Responding to negative comments sends a good impression to future customers that you can handle any situation. It showcases that you take criticism and turn it into a reward.

Share Your Reviews 

Once you have many positive online reviews, it’s time to share them with potential customers. You can do this by highlighting them on your website, placing them on emails, or promotional materials. 

It’s important to highlight your reviews in many places as possible in order to diversify your clientele. For example, share them on social media sites like Twiter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also share reviews on your Linkin page or on a recruiter platform like Talentwolf. 

Another place you could add your reviews is to your resume. By adding reviews, it’ll take your resume to the next level and make it look professional and unique. 

Remember to only share the most recent reviews you’ve received. No one wants to read a review only to find out it was posted six months prior. Be sure to include reviews that showcase your qualifications, communication style, and how likely they would recommend you.   

Are You Ready to Increase Your Recruiter Salary? 

Customer reviews are important as they help businesses decide if you’re a worthy candidate. They do so by providing details of your services, your communication methods, and how responsible you are. Reviews give insight into who you are as an individual and what type of skills you have. 

Also, reviews can increase your recruiter salary. Since they establish your value, you’ll get paid for your expertise and knowledge of the subject. You might even find a long-term position or establish a list of contacts.  

It’s best to prioritize your reviews as soon as possible in order to expand your business. So, are you ready to get to work?

If you want to make more money as a recruiter, sign up to Talentwolf and become the best recruiter today!