Five Tips for Recruiters to Get More Reviews!

By Talentwolf

Third party validation is critical in the 21st century and in business, particularly service businesses such as recruitment, being able to show that your service is valued by other customers is immensely powerful. No longer is it win business by sprouting how good you are yourself. You need to have someone else say how good you are. So here are five tips for recruiters to get more reviews on sites such as Talentwolf; 

1) Automate an email after every interview with your consultants or when a candidate is successfully placed in a role. Most applicant tracking systems or CRMS these days can auto send an email after an event. The interview is a great time to do this. 

2) Educate your consulting teams on the value of reviews. As a recruitment agency owner, I know that consultants do receive personal Thank You's via email or in person regularly. A little education and reminders in the office e.g., a poster or a slide on a TV screen that says Ask for a review" can help. You may have experienced this when you visit a restaurant, and you are asked to review by your server.  

3) Email signatures are a wonderful place to ask for reviews. If people are receiving a personal response from your team, then they are well placed to confirm the service they are receiving. 

4) On your website you should have consultant profiles. On this page list the reviews your team have received and ask for more. Talentwolf has a widget product that can do this for you! 

Clients always receive a confirmation of the successful completion of a service. This confirmation should provide yo
ur client with the opportunity to review your service. It could be when a candidate is placed into a permanent role or when a temp candidate finishes an assignment. In the confirmation ask for a review. We are considering providing the opportunity to review our temp service when clients authorise a timesheet. I would be keen to hear whether this is a good idea or not. 

Five quick ideas on asking for reviews. I would encourage every recruiter to ask for a review at every opportunity. Good luck!