35 Ways to Make Sure People Like You at Work and Respect You

By Talentwolf

Respect is so important when it comes to your professional development. It comes into play when supervisors consider your ideas, when they select people to participate in projects and when they think about who should be promoted.

Try some of the following ways to make sure your colleagues like and respect you. You will be perceived as a leader in no time.

Learn how to gain respect in the workplace

1. Do your job and do it well

Don't spend your time worrying about how to gain respect, but do your job really, really well. Get a reputation for being really good. It's hard to ignore results, and if you're struggling to gain the respect of your peers, one of the best things you can do is show that you've got the right stuff.

2. Listen - really listen

Nothing makes people lose respect if they feel your focus is always elsewhere when they talk to you. Make sure you are really engaged. Make sure you have open body language, do not get distracted by other things and ask affirming or clarifying questions to show that you are paying attention. 

3. Ask for help

Although many people think that asking for help indicates that you do not know what you are doing - which will earn you less respect - it can work in your favour in several ways (if you do it right). First, it shows the person you are asking for help that you respect his or her opinion. Secondly, it shows that you are productive enough not to waste tonnes of time trying to figure it out yourself 

4. Never be late or miss a deadline

Earn a reputation for being incredibly reliable. This means keeping every promise you make - whether it's a deadline for completing a project, an appointment, or something else.

5. Be a connector

Do you know someone in another company who could help with a colleague's problem, a friend who could help move the company forward? Introduce them! This will show that you have an impressive network, but also that you are willing to share it to help others.

6. Treat everyone with respect

To get respect, you have to give it - and not just to those higher up. People notice when you are nice to the bosses but mean to the receptionist or delivery guy. Be genuinely a good person. 

7. Never say "it's not my job"

Showing that you are willing to pitch in with small things - even if they are not part of your job description shows that you do not think too highly of yourself and that you are willing to do whatever it takes to help the company succeed. And that is something people can respect.

8. Make friends with the right people

Seek relationships with others in your company who are respected and well-liked. And we are not just talking about the higher-ups here - think about anyone who has a good reputation in the office.

9. Take something off a colleague's plate

Ask your boss or another colleague if you can help them with something or take over something for them. They will appreciate the relief and your proactive helpfulness will not go unnoticed.

10. Invite people along

If you have received an invitation to an event, invite someone from work who you think might enjoy it. That person will be glad you thought of her and you'll have the opportunity to get to know one of your colleagues a little better.

11. Anticipate needs

'I have already started doing that' - It means you are not waiting for him or her to ask you to do something, but that you have already thought of it and acted on it. Thinking of things that your boss often asks for or that make his or her life easier is a good start.

12. Remember things about people

Remembering little details about people -the names of their children, their hobbies, where they go on holiday - and then asking them questions about these things or mentioning them in conversation is a guaranteed way to score points. It shows that you have taken the time to remember them and that they are important to you as people. 

13. Ask "How are you?"

If you are always focused on business, you will not be very popular. Take the time to ask people about their lives too! You will be amazed at how good a simple "How are you?" can do someone.

14. Own up to your mistakes

Admitting that you have made a mistake shows that you are confident and humble enough to face. That's a trait most people respect.

15. Then explain how you will fix them

If you admit a mistake, you should present a plan for how you are going to fix things. And if you are not sure what to do? Try to come up with at least a few options and then ask your interlocutor for his or her opinion on the best course of action.

16. Say "no" more often

You may think that taking advantage of every opportunity will earn you more respect, but the opposite is true. If you do not have time, show that you respect your time and the quality of your work too much to agree. Other people will follow you. 

17. Seek feedback

Show that you know you are not perfect and want to constantly improve and develop by regularly seeking feedback from those around you. Try to set up monthly meetings with your boss, team members and even your direct reports where you can get open and honest feedback on what you can do better.

18. Give feedback too!

It also does not hurt to give some feedback from time to time. By giving your colleagues an occasional dose of constructive criticism shows that you are committed to helping everyone around you grow.

19. Have an opinion

If you agree with everything everyone says, people will not think you are a leader. Instead, have a well-thought-out opinion on things and do not be afraid to put it forward. Whether it's an idea for a new service or a thought on how to make a process work better, your staff will appreciate that you are thinking about how to improve the business.

20. Respect other points of view

Consider the viewpoints of others and be willing to compromise and work together to find a solution that works for as many people as possible.

21. Do small nice things for others

Whether it's buying your boss or your intern small gestures can say wonders about your character.

22. Speak up

Nothing shows a lack of confidence like mumbling. To be taken seriously in a meeting, speak clearly, distinctly and loudly enough for people to hear you. And avoid digressing at the end of a sentence or using phrases like 'I think this will get results'.

23. Figure it out for yourself

Instead of running to your boss every time you are faced with a problem, do everything you can to solve it yourself.It's better to come to your supervisor with a plan that he or she can give a OK.

24. Avoid to gossip 

If you are known for regularly badmouthing other people, people will badmouth you too. So do not waste your time speculating about others' lives. 

25. Never waste the time of others

Gain more respect by showing people that you respect their valuable time. Do not ask questions you can answer yourself, do not schedule meetings you do not need to, and do not take forever to respond to requests.

26. Make your meetings worthwhile

People are quite sceptical about meetings - hold meetings that people really find valuable.

27. Be a mentor

Take younger employees under your wing and advise them on everything from company policy to career development. Not only will the employees you mentor have more respect for you, but others will notice the gesture.

28. Help newcomers

When someone new comes into the company, you should greet them and let them know that you are there for them if they have questions or need help - even if they do not work in your department. People throughout the company will perceive you as a leader from day one.

29. Never say "I do not know"

Offer to help solve the problem, get more information or refer the person to the right person who can help.

30. Become an excellent speaker

If you learn to speak well, you will gain respect in many ways. Firstly, you will be able to speak more confidently in meetings. Secondly, you will feel comfortable speaking at industry events and be seen as a leader in your field. 

31. Draw clear boundaries between work and personal life

If you understand the importance of not working all the time, people will be more likely to identify with you. So set clear boundaries between workand personal life. Whether it's never checking your email on the weekend or leaving work at 6pm.

32. Learn your colleagues' work preferences 

Have a conversation with the people you work most closely with about how they work best, and find ways to help them do it. Maybe one person prefers conversations to emails and would appreciate you coming to their desk rather than sending a long message.

33. Manage upwards

If you are just waiting for your superiors to tell you what to do, you'll come across as a follower rather than a respectable leader. Learn to tell your boss what you need to do your job well. You will improve your performance and gain the respect of your boss. 

34. Do not complain

Are you tired after a long day and have more to do? Do not complain, at least not at work. A positive attitude towards your work is crucial to what other people think of you. Try to find a proactive solution.

35. Stay updated!

Keep up to date with the latest and greatest in your industry. Go to events and conferences and report back on what you have learned. Meet with experts and maybe even get them on your team to talk to them.