The thing about employment is that you’re never forced to stay. Sure, some might have a contract with an employer where you need to stay for an agreed-upon time, but they are never required to permanently stay. You always have a choice when it comes to your employment.
So whether it’s a new job that you landed or the job isn’t a good fit with your skills or talent, you should always leave a company on good terms when you resign.
How you act on your way out as you resign can shadow you into your next company or come back to haunt you later in your career. Sure, there are some employers who don’t take resignation lightly, but that doesn’t mean you should act the same.
When resigning there are a few things you can do to tie up loose ends and walk out with your head held high and your dignity, which will only make you look better in the long run, so here are some simple things you should do when you resign.
10 Rules of Resignation
Give notice
Instead of just leaving your old company abruptly, give them fair notice. Standard is two weeks, which is enough time for you to train someone else on your job tasks if needed and it gives the company time to figure out who will replace you. The other company will totally understand your need to be professional and close out your time at your old company.
Train your replacement
Once you hand in your resignation letter, offer to train your replacement. During your last weeks there, really be diligent at training so that the new person knows how to perform your old tasks as well as you did. Don’t get lazy and check out because you’re leaving. If you’re no longer focused, then you won’t be able to give the new replacement adequate training they’ll need to succeed. Also cooperate in handing over any orders, contacts and anything else your replacement will need to get the job done. Remember they don’t belong to you and should be given to your successor.
Share your insider knowledge
Most likely you’ve picked up some pointers on how to do your job better the longer you were there. Share this insider knowledge with your replacement. You don’t need this information anymore and helping others succeed is the right thing to do. Hopefully, someone else will provide this to you someday, too!
Continue working hard
Just because you’re leaving doesn’t mean you should slack off and not get your job done. Everyone will see how you’ve checked out and will remember you for it. Show everyone that you’re still a team player no matter what.
Don’t be a blabber mouth
During your remaining time at your old job, don’t go around blabbing to everyone about your new job. You’ll be looked at as selfish and petty. Instead, keep the situation to yourself and only convey the message to the right people in the right way. Your ex-coworkers will resent you for bragging and think poorly of you when you leave. This also refers to being negative about the company, your boss and the like. Just because you’re leaving doesn’t mean you should spread that negativity around.
Conduct the exit interview
Most likely, you’ll be asked to give an exit interview before you leave. You should cooperate and be constructive and thoughtful about your answers. You’ll be asked why you’re leaving the company, what was it like while working there and other information that can greatly impact the organisation’s culture.
Closeout projects
During your last few weeks there, do as much as you can to wrap up any loose ends, including projects and orders so that the next person who comes in doesn’t have to worry about your workload.
Be thankful
On your last day, be thankful to everyone who helped you while working at your old job. The last thing you want is to burn any bridges! You might net to network with old co-workers or even need references in the future, so it’s better to be nice than mean about your exit.
Be graceful about your departure
No matter what the circumstances were that made you leave, you should by no means be disrespectful about your departure. Don’t leave with hostility and be polite about how you approach your plan of action when resigning. Show appreciation for the time there, thank your boss for the opportunity and walk out with your head held high.
Don’t trash your former company
After you leave, don’t go around trashing the company or its workers once you start the new job. It won’t reflect well on you as person and will make you look petty.
What are your comments about these few rules for resigning from a job?
If you have any feedback, leave a comment below!
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