The Ever Changing and Transforming World of Recruitment

By Veronica Mariano

How can Talentwolf help recruiters and headhunters to embrace these changes?

The recruitment sector represents an important lever for a company because it helps candidates come in contact initially with the working environment where potentially they could soon find themself. On this issue it is important to invest in the recruitment process as many resources as are dedicated to Performance Management and to Training and Development, processes that are equally important for Human Resources Management, that together concur to demonstrate the Employee Value Proposition and to attract the best talents. 

Starting from the fact that the psychological contract between the company and the individual has radically changed and that it is now based on a mutual choice, it is natural to ask oneself:

How can the recruitment process become more interactive and more involving for the candidate? How to create a, much discussed, “candidate experience” that is truly so? 

How to make sure that the candidates have the opportunity to choose the reality for which they would like to work for, and the people they wish to collaborate with?

This is where Talentwolf becomes perfectly an active part in this complex and challenging scenario, trying to make the candidate feel like an integral part of the process and able to express what went well in his or her personal experience and what needs to be improved. 

It is important to treat the candidates as potential clients who are able to actively contribute to the creation of a true “value proposition”.  One that fully represents the company and this mission can only be won if, internally, there are people that can transmit the company’s values, which candidates will be able to evaluate actively from the very beginning of the selection process

As can be deduced, combined with the organisational archetypes all the internal processes will have to change too, becoming increasingly challenging and able to foster an involving experience to which all social actors can and should contribute.

How the figure of the brand ambassador can help promote innovative views.

So how to induce all organisations to embrace this “open innovation” point of view that gets input for improvement also from the outside world?

For one surely by looking for  “Brand Ambassadors” that sincerely believe in the project at hand and that can build specific communication campaigns to involve initially the managers and subsequently the involved recruiters.

It is crucial to choose brand ambassadors (internal or external), especially during the start-up phase. These figures, therefore, are extremely important and able to bring true added value to the platform.

How does this happen? Why should you hire Brand Ambassadors? 

- BAs know the mission, the vision the values and the goals of what is being proposed and in this way can inspire and guide potential realities into the involvement process.

- They will get in contact with many people interested in the platform to strengthen their motivation.

- It’s a figure that creates new awareness and trust by writing pertinent content and by sharing it with their network (including with those opposed to the new reality)

- They create and maintains a high level of engagement with the community of active and potential clients bettering further the positive image of what is being offered.

In conclusion: being an important role, the success of a strategy based on the utilization of Brand Ambassadors will clearly depend on the choice of the right person/people.

This is why it is paramount, initially, to monitor and evaluate the results brought by this role model.

What do you think about those who I like to call Change Catalysing Ambassadors? 

Do you think they can really bring added value also inside Talentwolf?

Share your thoughts, and always consider yourself an added value for emerging realities.